What is an emotional release session?

An emotional release session is a rapid tool to free yourself from negative emotions. It is one of the most effective ways of transforming the harmful behaviours that affect your life. During these sessions, Master Richard guides each participant into a state of deep meditation, allowing the subconscious mind to understand and accept the past event and find peace with it.

The session usually consist of:

  • A teaching of less than 10 minutes on various subjects;
  • It is then followed by a meditation lasting around 30 minutes, during which everyone works confidentially on 3 situations or events that they have chosen.
  • During the first 3 sessions, it is strongly recommended that you choose events linked to your parents, as most of your repetitive patterns are linked to them. Then you can choose people, situations or events with which you want to free yourself emotionally.
  • It’s important to choose a quiet place for this meditation in order to get the best results. If you’re not using your phone for the session, put it on “airplane mode” to avoid being disturbed. It’s also important to repeat aloud the phrases mentioned by Master Richard. Don’t worry, everyone is muted and no one can hear what you’re saying.
  • Finally, during the last 5 minutes of the session, Master Richard will recite a guided meditation written in the form of a metaphor that specifically speaks to your subconscious mind.

“Understanding the subconscious mind is akin to understanding life itself, as it governs up to 95% of your actions and behaviours.”

Master Richard